Every day, HIRATA Takeshi draws something in his sketchbook from his bed. He draws various motifs, including a human body that consists of what seem to be organs he has depicted as circles. Looking carefully at his drawings, there also appears to be a mixture of information he collects from TV or the newspaper.
From the numerous drawings in his sketchbook, we understand his attempt to analyze the inside of the human body based on the information and happenings that surround him. For example, even the strings and pigs he often draws (although he writes
Whilst it is true that we own our own bodies, it is very difficult to see everything inside of them. Perhaps those unknowable elements are the driving force that keeps Hirata drawing. He continues to draw to this day, no matter what anyone else thinks.
- 2010
- 第16回「京都とっておきの芸術祭」京都市美術館別館
- 2016
- 第22回「京都とっておきの芸術祭」日図デザイン博物館
- 2017
- Co-jin Collection No.3「描くこと」 art space co-jin
- 2018
- 平成29年度共生の芸術祭 「Hello World」イオンモール京都桂川
- 2018
- 「描き、紡ぎ、絆ぐ 京都・パリ友情盟約締結60周年記念展覧会」ARTZONE + MEDIA SHOP gallery
- 2019
- 「描くこと|平田猛 展」art space co-jin
- (2021年9月時点)